Weather Site Plan


The purpose of The Weather Site is to give current weather conditions in 3 different ways. The initial page will give the weather for the current location based on the Geocoding location information from the device. The second is weather for 3 specific locations accessible through a dedicated link, and the third is weather for any location determined by a search string.


Primary audience is adults ages 18-30. Most will be students. Access to the site will be split between mobile devices and laptops. A secondary audience will be anyone interested in weather.


Cool Joe


All weather pages should include location name, current temperature, forecast high, forecast low, current weather descriptor, forecast percentage of precipitation, and current wind speed and direction on small devices and hourly temps should be added on larger screens. The pages of the Weather Site will be built in the following order:


  1. Franklin and Greenvilleweather for each specific location. The weather for these pages should be pulled from the weather.JSON file that will be provided.
  2. Current: weather for the current location. Current location should be determined by using the Geolocation API of the browser. This information should be passed to the National Weather Service (NWS) API to retrieve the current conditions.
  3. Search: Begins with only a search box, characters entered will cause a list of suggested matches to appear. Selected location will pull up the weather.



The client provided the following initial concept for a name and logo:

The Weather Site

The name should be bold and itlaic


This logo can also be rendered using HTML enity - ☔


Heading Font: Sansita From Google Fonts

Sanita alphabet

Body Copy Font: Helvetica

Helvetica alphabet


color swatch


(add title attribute to each anchor)


Navagation Bar

Font and color scheme will be determined by you in consultation with your learning team using the supplied fonts and color swatches.

Opaque rounded content box:

Opaque rounded content box

background-color: rgba(200,200,200,.6); margin: .2em auto; border: 1px solid; border-radius: 15px;


Small Screen

Small screen wireframe

Large Screen

Large screen wireframe